Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pictures: Denali Nat'l Park

Above, a mother grizzly bear. The brush she's sitting in is just shy of chest-deep to a human.

The view from our tent: Denali, AKA Mt. McKinley, at sunset.

From left: Madison, Isaac, Mason, and Ian at the Eielson Preserve, Denali National Park.

Another view of Mt. Eielson, Denali national Park.

A red fox (vulpes vulpes) with a ground squirrel (spermophilus parryii) in its jaws. We witnessed the chase and the kill- she'd moved with the speed and agility of... well, a fox.

Above, a kettlepond near our campsite at Wonder Lake. Kettleponds are formed when receding glaciers gouge out depressions. The ponds are filled with water as the leftover chunks of glacial debris begin to melt. They're eerily still.

Again, credit and thanks to Mason Perry for the photos.

1 comment:

  1. The photos and tales are the #2 buzz cuts, too. The pictures + text make me feel as if I am there with you. Thanks for the credit re: the binoculars :)!
