Thursday, June 17, 2010

Pictures (Finally!)

Above, Madison and I practice our kung fu in Washington, DC. We'll need it in case we meet a bear in Alaska.

Sara, Shea, and I have just finished our hot dog at the Weiner Circle. A dejected-looking woman sits nearby. Clearly she hasn't eaten any hot dogs.

Above: Tracy, Madison, and I play in the sculpture park in Minneapolis.

After the hike up to Lake Louise in Banff National Park. This is the last picture of us with hair.

With haircuts like these, we'll be beating the ladies off with a stick. Good thing there are plenty of sticks in our campground... and very few ladies.

Above, our new friends at the campsite in Banff National Park, Alberta. From left: Frank, Ian, Madison, Frank, and Melissa. Melissa's Aunt Monique had just given us the #2 buzz treatment.

We saw this black bear in Jasper National Park. He looks friendly, but we didn't take any chances.

Here's the signpost forest in Watson Lake, Yukon. Scouters will notice the Mt. Baldy sign from Philmont, NM.

On top of Flat Top Mountain in Anchorage. From left: Marilynn, Mason, Madison, Ike, and I. We scrambled up to the summit despite the fact that it was snowing... in June!

Mason demonstrates fire breathing.

Madison observes his second amendment rights with the .22 Browning.

Enemies of democracy, beware! (Not pictured: terrified enemies of democracy)

1 comment:

  1. So have you guys eaten any moose yet? ~ debbie, mother of Mason and Isaac and frolf associate/bar buddy
